Click to hear  "Beautiful Dreamer"

The Dream

We met one night in cyber space
two people making friends
and talked awhile at rapid pace
of many odds and ends.

We met again in coming days,
still talked of many things
we'd done in life along the way;
what would the future bring?

I noticed with the passing time
a bond we seemed to share.
At least that's what she wrote in rhyme,
our bond, our love, our care.

And so I saw her inner need,
but couldn't take her hands.
I couldn't make my spirit free,
accept such love's demands.

I said good bye in hopes she'd find
a man with whom to share,
then couldn't get her from my mind,
and always found her there.

;She wrote again, again we talked.
It seemed our destiny.
She said her thoughts I always walked,
and wouldn't let her be.

I found she dreamed me tender knight
who'd come to her unasked,
who'd see in her that woman's light
behind protecting mask.

She realized I'm honor bound,
and we could never be.
Though hurt, she kept the love she found
as warm protecting sea.

She wrote us in her poetry,
a Lady and her Knight,
a world of ancient chivalry,
and man of stalwart might.

I saw her in that fantasy,
and joined her in that scene,
a wish I knew could never be
of love I'd always dreamed.

We wandered far upon my steed,
we loved in forest glades,
but couldn't satisfy the need
in dreams that we had made.

I told her that I cared for her;
I wanted her to know,
then saw her passion quickly stir,
and felt her longing grow.

I knew that she had sometimes wept
for what we couldn't be,
but never realized the depth
of need she felt for me.

I watched her struggle in her soul,
and saw M'Lady change,
but couldn't make her heart feel whole,
and couldn't heal her pain.

She finally said she couldn't write;
it only made her cry.
We never talk now in the night,
but didn't say good bye.

I wonder if she dreams of me
as I still dream of her?
I wonder if she really sees
the caring that she stirs?

I miss her now in all I do,
she's always in my heart.
I wish still for the world she drew
of love within her art.

And often I walk in that world,
still feel her tenderness.
And at my side she's sometimes curled
in dreams I can't suppress.

Her dreams will find me by her side,
my love to heal her pain,
her Knight of strength in which to hide;
M'Lady she'll remain.©
~RAC 4-11-99~

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